Building PowerPoint Templates V2

Building PowerPoint Templates, version 2

Echo Swinford and Julie Terberg

A one-of-a-kind guide to building templates that work well beyond your desktop.

Available from Amazon as a paperback or e-book.

Choosing fonts for PowerPoint templates (August 2024)

Choosing fonts for PowerPoint templates (August 2024)

View the PDF: Choosing Fonts for PowerPoint Voir la version francophone du PDF If you design or build PowerPoint templates, this whitepaper is for you. Share this with branding folks, decision makers, and anyone else responsible for choosing fonts for themes and...

A Guide to Cloud Fonts in Microsoft 365 (Updated June 2024)

A Guide to Cloud Fonts in Microsoft 365 (Updated June 2024)

Cloud fonts are available to Microsoft 365 subscribers on all platforms and devices. If you have Microsoft 365, you’ll see them in your font list indicated by a cloud and arrow icon. When you apply one of these fonts for the first time, the font downloads in the background and then you’ll see it render appropriately in your file. (This might take a few seconds, so be patient if the text kerning looks off when you first apply.) When someone views a file with Microsoft 365, Office 2019, or 2021, missing cloud fonts will download from the font service and the file renders the same as it was authored, without embedding.

Compatibility fonts in Office (April 2022)

Compatibility fonts in Office (April 2022)

Microsoft is now supporting additional fonts via their cloud font service to help maintain file fidelity on the receiving end of presentations and documents. These additional fonts are called “compatibility fonts” and include many popular open-source fonts like Lato, Open Sans, Oswald, and Roboto, just to name a few.

Formatting with Invisible Bullet Characters (Feb 2019)

Formatting with Invisible Bullet Characters (Feb 2019)

Echo Swinford and Julie Terberg First, we commend you for choosing to override the default PowerPoint text formatting and lose those dreaded dots from slide hell. Second, kudos to you for choosing to limit the amount of text on the screen to short, concise phrases....

Can I Get a Better Green? (May 2018)

Can I Get a Better Green? (May 2018)

PowerPoint automatically generates the tints and shades that populate the theme color gallery. You cannot manually select your own colors for these swatches. The tints and shades are based on the values you specify for the theme colors. If your theme colors are overly...